There’s plenty of online discussion these days regarding the merits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its use in background screening services and apps. Using predictive analysis, AI allows computers and other machines to learn through their surroundings to take on human tasks in a more productive manner. It also is hyped as being able to […]

Create the Background Screening RFP you Really Need
When creating the background screening RFP for your company, what’s your process? Do you steal a copy from a competitor? Or maybe you download something from the internet? What exactly goes into an effective, constructive application? What are the most important things to include for your industry and your business in particular? Let’s take a […]

Social Media Screening – it's here to stay
Like the memes that keep us relevant, research shows that social media screenings are here to stay. Companies are being held accountable for their employees' actions as well as their social media history, and are looking for a way to protect themselves within the boundaries of the law. It's also an unfortunate reality that many […]

What Employers Should Know About DOT Testing
What Employers Should Know About DOT testing DOT testing is a program through the U.S. Department of Transportation that checks for drug and alcohol use in those employed in safety-sensitive jobs as they pertain to transportation. Trucking, aviation, railways and even shipping fall within the areas that may require DOT testing either during or in […]

Background Screening for Small Business Owners
If you run a small business, you understand the critical nature of proper hiring. Good employees can go a long way in making your company successful. Adversely, the bad hire can potentially have a negative effect on you, your staff, sales and more. Use your resources wisely When you do background checks for an open […]

Do Volunteers Require Background Checks?
Background Checks for Volunteers Background screening is increasing in use– not just in the private sector, but also in the public and nonprofit world. There is simply too much at stake for a company not to take precautions with potential new hires. But what about when it comes to volunteers who donate their time to […]

Creating A Background Check Policy
The Road to Success: Creating A Background Check Policy When hitting the open road for a long-awaited vacation, your excitement may tempt you to hop in the car and start driving from Point A to Point B. But have you considered what you would do in the event of an unexpected road closure? A lengthy […]

What To Look For From A Background Screening Company
Anyone involved in the hiring process of new employees knows that the process can be grueling, frustrating and fraught with pitfalls. Yet, it can also be extremely rewarding when you find the right hire. One who is a good fit and brings an enormous upside down the road. Utilizing a background screening company can relieve […]