When creating the background screening RFP for your company, what’s your process? Do you steal a copy from a competitor? Or maybe you download something from the internet? What exactly goes into an effective, constructive application? What are the most important things to include for your industry and your business in particular? Let’s take a […]

What Employers Should Know About DOT Testing
What Employers Should Know About DOT testing DOT testing is a program through the U.S. Department of Transportation that checks for drug and alcohol use in those employed in safety-sensitive jobs as they pertain to transportation. Trucking, aviation, railways and even shipping fall within the areas that may require DOT testing either during or in […]

Second Chances: Should employers consider hiring people with criminal records?
Should you consider hiring applicants with past criminal records? It’s a complex question that can’t be answered without some reflection on your corporate culture and business needs. “Ban the Box” and “Fair Chance” Movements The opportunities and challenges with previously incarcerated applicants are many. They involve a lot of consideration and can be a little […]

Zoom Meeting Protocol and Professionalism
Zoom Meeting Protocol and Professionalism With social distancing and remote work continuing to be the new norm, Zoom and other online meeting apps are becoming standard ways to do business. That includes job interviews. While it can be a little more challenging to make a good impression, for both interviewer and interviewee, from a computer […]